Another opportunity to connect with talent

It’s hardly surprising that poor communication plays a part in candidate drop out. It can easily be perceived as a lack of interest on the part of the recruiter. Candidates will swiftly move on and continue to apply for jobs elsewhere so it’s a situation that can lead to employers missing out on key talent.

The solution is promptly acknowledging every application, giving candidates a clear hiring timeline, and then contacting them promptly at each stage of the recruitment process. It’s a simple but effective communication strategy that helps foster a connection with the candidate.  

Arguably the most important piece of communication a recruiter sends a candidate is an email ahead of an interview. This email should express enthusiasm and supply vital information such as the names and titles of people the candidate will meet, directions to the office or a video link for the interview.

To offer recruiters another opportunity to connect with candidates and to reduce the likelihood of this essential email being missed we provide a feature that allows you to send an SMS message alongside your interview email alerting the candidate that you are inviting them to interview and prompting them to check their emails.

If you would like to learn more about this feature then our Customer Success Team would be delighted to help.